Tuesday, November 15, 2016

मान्छे हरु थाईलेन्ड घुम्मना किन जान्छन भनेको त यो पो रहेछ रहस्य भिडियो सहित

Pratet Thai, (Kingdom of Thailand), is one of if not the most beautiful countries in Asia. Thailand has some of the greatest architectural masterpieces in the world. Some of the greatest styles of martial arts also come from Thailand. There are many different aspects of this magnificent country.

Thailand is located in southern Asia and it borders Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, and Myanmar (Burma). There are four major types of land. In the north are towering mountains. In the Northeast is a rolling landscape of plateaus and is sometimes plagued by drought. In the center of Thailand are very fertile plains, the perfect atmosphere for growing rice. And finally in the south is the dense tropical rain forest. .

Thailand has a very tropical climate with three informal seasons: cool, hot, and rainy. Almost all of Thailand with exception of the mountain region is very humid. Temperatures range from 8 degrees Celsius at night to a scorching 38 degrees Celsius or higher in the day during the hottest months.

The countries rich soil and abundant water supply provide ideal conditions for growing rice. Thailand produces plenty of rice for it's people and has enough left over to be the worlds largest exporter of it. In addition to the rice fields, Thailand has an abundance of Mulberry trees, necessary for producing silk. Also in the south grow Rubber trees vital for the economy. Other crops produce a variety of tropical fruits including pineapples, oranges, grapes, melons, mangoes, papayas, and bananas. In addition to the preceding fruit widely known in the United States, they also grow fruits that are very rarely found here in the states except for in a few Asian markets. These fruits are lansata, rambutans, tamarinds, longans, mangosteens, jackfruits, durian, and sapodillas.
कृपया पर्खनुहोस, भिडियो 60 सेकेण्डमा लोड हुदै छ

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