Sunday, November 27, 2016

नेपालको धर्म र संस्कृतीलाइ भारतले कहिले जित्न सक्दैन.धेरै कुरा सिक्न बाकी छ-ओम पुरी(भिडियो)

Social media is round. Then brings its own disadvantages. Who what when and old picture, which suddenly in what form and in what context the video to become viral! Barack Obama ... no one left to Narendra Modi. These days, Om Puri is one such viral video clips, which are spoken on Islam Om Puri. But you do not hear a response, or it will be definitely shocked.

See Om Puri viral video ..

"Let the whole world ... and some kind of religion, which is Islam and Islam is the greatest religion is supposed to be ..." Now who does not hear the line pro-Pakistan and anti-Hindu will say. Maybe they should also be included on such issues, which normally are moderate attitude. Om Puri as it is about the way things have gone in recent times, it is like fuel to the fire on this video. But who is looking at the video, what is the truth? If the answer is no.
कृपया पर्खनुहोस, भिडियो 60 सेकेण्डमा लोड हुदै छ

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