Tuesday, November 29, 2016

कस्तो तरिकाले किस गर्दा एकदम उत्तेजित हुन्छन युवतीहरु,तरिका हेर्नुस भिडियोमा

-Many women don't realize this. I've been surprised at how many treat kissing like it really is "first base," just a step towards something better. And when I meet such women, I face a dilemma, like being a music lover who discovers that a new friend has bad taste.

Do you break it off, or do you educate? And if you educate, how do you teach someone how to kiss a man without being offensive?

My first encounter with such a kisser ended badly. Julie and I were 14, at the conclusion of our second date. She tilted her head, put her open lips to mine, and, using a combination of wetness and suction, established airlock. Then her tongue invaded.

I imagined an eel or a water-dwelling snake, or perhaps a tapeworm, darting towards my throat, slithering around, and then withdrawing, only to strike again immediately. I tried to block her with my tongue, but she swirled and pushed me back. I could not breathe.
कृपया पर्खनुहोस, भिडियो 60 सेकेण्डमा लोड हुदै छ

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