Sunday, July 17, 2016

What does girl do when they are alone

So I’ve been living with my boyfriend for about four months now, and needless to say it’s been a combination of great and irritating. However, one thing I didn’t realize beforehand which is kind of irksome is how much he’d just be around all the time. Now don’t get me wrong, I love him and his presence dearly, and do feel like I can be myself around him, but there’s yourself and then yourSELF, if you know what I’m saying. I admit it, I do some things when I’m alone that would be considered pretty odd and/or revolting if done in front of witnesses, and I KNOW I’m not the only lady who does.

Luckily, my boyfriend got a gig out of town for two weeks, so my grossness was given its chance to flop out from behind the zipper of relationshipism. So in the name of solidarity and feminism, here is a list of the best and weirdest stuff I relish doing when I’m alone.

1. Pick boogers and flick them onto walls across the room.
कृपया पर्खनुहोस, भिडियो 60 सेकेण्डमा लोड हुदै छ

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